Algemene voorwaarden

Art. 1 Applicability
These conditions apply to all members of Vastberaden B.V. At registration members receive a copy of the terms and condition. They are assumed to have read and understood the terms and conditions before signing their contract. By signing members agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.

Art. 2 Membership
Membership is defined as a contract of indefinite duration whereby the member is entitled to participate in the number of classes associated with their specific membership. A membership starts with a 2 month contract, after which it will be automatically renewed month-to month.

Art. 3 Membership costs
Each member pays membership fees relevant to their type of membership. Membership fees must be paid in advance and will be collected automatically through monthly installments around the start of each month. Membership fees are subject to periodic increases. If a membership has a limited amount of classes these classes can only be used within the calendar month. If a member wants exceeds the limit of their membership the additional classes will be charged at the cost of EURO 9 per class. Members can keep track of the amount of classes left for the month in the software provided by Vastberaden B.V.

Art. 4 Duration and termination of membership
Memberships are taken out for an indefinite period and automatically renewed for a period of one month at the rates prevailing at the time of renewal. If a member wishes to cancel their membership, they should send a cancellation email to 10 days before the start of the month of cancellation. Memberships can only be cancelled after the first two full calendar months of membership at Vastberaden B.V..

Art. 5 Interim changes in membership during the membership period
If a member wishes to upgrade or downgrade their membership  any changes in membership they should send an email describing their request to 10 days before the start of the month the change should take effect. Upgrading a membership can be done at any moment. Downgrading a membership can be done per the start of the new month. The change needs to be requested at least 10 days before the start of the affected month. Between an upgrade and a downgrade needs to be at least 60 days.

Art. 6 Pausing memberships

Memberships can not be paused. After cancellation of a membership, there is a reinstatement fee if the member wants to rejoin within sixty days. The reinstatement fee is equal to one monthly fee of the membership previously held by the member,

Art. 7 Classes
Vastberaden B.V. reserves the right to postpone or cancel scheduled classes without any refund or compensation in connection with public holidays, vacation time, due to a lack of signed in athletes, the illness of a coach, force majeure events, unforeseeable circumstances, or any other event beyond the reasonable control of Vastberaden B.V.

Art. 8 Class sign up and cancellation
Members can sign in to and cancel classes using the software provided by Vastberaden B.V. Members can sign in to classes from seven days in advance till the start of the class. When a class is cancelled within ten hours of the start of the class the members account will be charged as if they had attended.
Each member has the responsibility to acquaint themselves with the sign up and cancellation policies as provided to them by Vastberaden B.V. at the start of their membership.

Art. 9 Behaviour of members
Members should not abuse the materials or facilities of Vastberaden B.V. Members are liable to pay for any negligent or deliberate damage to property. Unacceptable, rude or aggressive behavior may lead to termination of membership. Coaches are responsible for the class and therefore have full authority and final say.

Art. 10 Liability
Members use any materials and facilities at Vastberaden B.V. at their own risk. Vastberaden B.V. or any of their coaches does not accept responsibility for the harm, injury or death of any member while participating in classes or while using any of their materials or facilities. Members indemnify Vastberaden B.V. for liability to a third party unconnected with their provision of services.

Art. 11 Photographic material
Members give Vastberaden B.V. permission to use photographic images and other types of recordings of groups and/or individuals, subject to appeal, for editorial publication or promotional purposes. From May 2018 onward, new members will have to opt-in before Vastberaden B.V. is allowed to use any photographical material of individual members for promotional purposes.

Art. 12 Video material
Members give Vastberaden B.V. permission to use video images and other types of recordings of groups and/or individuals, subject to appeal, for editorial publication or promotional purposes. From May 2018 onward, new members will have to opt-in before Vastberaden is allowed to use any video material of individual members for promotional purposes. The cameras in the facility that have been placed there for security reasons will only store video footage for up to two weeks. The footage can and may only used in the events of criminal activity and might be stored longer than the aforementioned two weeks in the events of (suspected) criminal activity.

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Lets be honest, CrossFit can seem a little bit intimidating at first. But don’t let that stop you from trying it! You will find that we are actually really nice people who like having fun while working out.

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