
Teams of two
For time
200 ring rows
200 push ups
200 back rack lunges 42.5/30


1 Hang clean + 3 push press
A: Max for the day
B: Every 30 seconds for 15 sets 1 HC @ 70% of A
C: Body armor

Hang power snatch + Powersnatch
A: Max for the day
B: Every 30 seconds for 15 sets (7:30) 1 Powersnatch @ 70% of A (speed/technique focus)
C: Body armor


On a running clock
0:00 - 4:00
400 meter run
Max calories bike/row
4:00 - 10:00
600 meter run
max calories bike/row
10:00 - 18:00
800 meter run
max calories bike/row
18:00 - 28:00
1000 meter run
max calories bike/row
28:00 - 40:00
1200 meter run
max calories bike/row


20 minute AMRAP
10 sumo deadlift high pulls 42,5/30
20 wall balls 9/6
30 abmat sit ups

20 minute AMRAP
5 power cleans 60/40
10 toes to bar
15 wall balls 9/6


For time
DB Push press L 22,5/15
DB Push press R
Box jump overs 24/20


8 rounds for time
4 lanes single kettlebell overhead carry 24/16
8 burpee pull ups

8 rounds for time
4 ring muscle ups
20 double unders
20 cross over singles


Bench press
1 RM

1x5 65%
1x5 75%
1x5+ 85%

A1: 3x8 single leg deadlift
A2: 3x12 lat pulldown (use pulley system)

*if time allows
B1: Sandbag hold 3x1:00
B2: Negative 5 negative chin ups (weighted if needed)

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