Vastberaden Rooftop programming week 15


Go to our Rooftop Workout Videos to prepare for your class! One of our coaches guides you through your workout from warm-up to cooling down.



  1. Sign up through Eversports for one of the 10 minute starting times.
  2. Go to the Rooftop workout videos and prepare for your workout.
  3. Dress to the weather.
  4. Bring: your phone, water, gloves and a face mask.
  5. Please note our toilets, lockers and dressing rooms are closed!
  6. Be on time! To early? Please wait outside our entrance at a safe distance.



  1. Have cold or flu like symptoms? See you another time!
  2. Wear a face mask when entering the building
  3. Keep 1.5 meter distance from each other at all times.
  4. Sanitize your hands when entering the gym
  5. Grab the equipment you need for the workout.
  6. The coach will direct you to one of the workout stations
  7. Make sure you finish within your 45 minute window
  8. Clean everything thouroughly after class
  9. Don’t linger after class




4x 3:00/1:00 rest

20 bottom hops

15 KB sumo deadlift high pulls 

10 tuck crunches



“Hotel hell”

For time

100 DB hang clusters 15’s/10’s

*every 1:00 5 burpees (incl 00:00)



10:00 amrap

20 double DB step overs 

40 double unders

20 V-ups

40 double unders



12:00 amrap

60 mountain climbers

30 single arm DB push presses 22,5/15



10:00 amrap

8 double dumbbell bent over rows 

12 head curls

16 banded rows 




6 rounds for time

60 double unders 

30 kettlebell swings 24/16

15 burpees 



3-4 rounds

10 Banded KB deadlifts (1 KB) 

20 Goblet lunges 

30 Banded hip bridges

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