The 23rd of November 2024 it is time for another amazing edition of the Vastberaden Throwdown! To help you bring your A-game on that day here are all the movements (in alphabetical order) for all divisions. You have four more weeks to cross your T’s and dot your I’s. Get after it!

BEAR DIVISION (beginner)

Abmat sit up


Burpee to plate

Deadlift 60/40

Jumping pull up

Push press 30/20

Shuttle runs

Single unders

Wall Balls 6/4


LION DIVISION (intermediate)


Burpee box jumps 24/20″ (step up allowed)

Cross overs

Deadlift 70/50

Hang Power Clean

Jumping Chest to Bar (female)

Pull ups (male)

Push press 42.5/30

Shuttle runs

Sit Ups

Wall Balls 9/6


PIGEON DIVISION (experienced)


Bar Muscle ups (male)

Burpee box jumps 24/20″

Chest to Bar pull ups (female)

Deadlift 100/70

Double unders

Power clean

Push press 42.5/30

Shuttle runs

Toes to bar

Wall Balls 9/6




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